Tag: K-12

Broadening horizons beyond the classroom

“One of the greatest limitations that has undoubtedly been felt within schools across the board has been the removal of opportunities for young people to broaden their horizons beyond the classroom”

For the past 18 months, lockdown restrictions have had a huge impact on young people, arguably more so than any other generation, with schools for the first time in living memory closing their doors in 57 countries across the world. In March 2020, 682 million students worldwide had to continue their studies from home, writes Keith Birch, Principal of Westminster Campus at Southbank International School.

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How to better support international boarding school pupils to make well informed higher education decisions

“There is a growing awareness that UKI students have unique needs that are not necessarily being met by support that is focused on either purely ‘international’ or ‘domestic’ students”

Every year the UK welcomes over 29,000 international students to come and study in UK Boarding schools (UKI students).

Many will then want to stay in the UK for their higher education and indeed this is the goal for many international parents-pay for a great Boarding school education to secure a place at a world renowned UK University.

However, the higher education path for ‘UKI students’ is sometimes not straightforward, says Pat Moores of UK Education Guide.

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Between local, national, and global identities: The question of global citizenship in education

“With such a heated clash between nationalist and global identities, many young people may feel forced to pick a side. As an educator, I feel it is part of my job to help them not to make such a false binary choice”

Debate about the nature of globalisation and its impact is never far from the news these days. Populists have drawn on the frustrations of those who have seen globalisation halt progress in their communities, and antipathy has been directed to those that are seen to have benefited most from it, writes Katerina Vackova, UFP Chief Examiner for Humanities, CATS Global Schools.

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To stay globally competitive, the US needs to build internationalists beginning in K-12

“While encouraging study abroad is the right thing to do, preparing the next generation of global citizens must come earlier”

In a world with internet, video conferencing, and 95% of consumers living outside of the United States, fostering international competencies and connections at an early age is more important than ever for our future livelihoods.

Given that globalization will only increase, we must consider whether we are sufficiently preparing our young people to be successful in the workforce of today and tomorrow.

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